I know I haven't posted in awhile. We've been busy. The lambing is just about done - still a few that may lamb between today and "lamb freedom" day, which I believe is June 4 (it's on the calendar, but that's a whole room away and walking that far is a lot of unnecessary work!). The Shetlands actually have until August 1 to prove their worth, as we left Eddie in with the girls until shearing - Larry is actually hoping for some very late lambs, so maybe we would have a lamb to take to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival for the Hall of Breeds. If not, this is what a young Shetland lamb looks like - this is one of Cappuccino's ewe lambs (she had two) -
Cappuccino is the perfect ewe in my book. Most of the Shetland flocks that you might know through your browsing of the internet would not want her. She is not pretty to look at, cow hocks, kind of saggy (well, how would you look after having a set of twins every year of your life, including your lamb year? Cappuccino's seven years old) - she would never win in the show ring. But, as already stated, she always twins, is friendly, lets you manhandle her lambs without getting upset (unlike Saffron, who tried to knee cap me when I attempted to place her lamb back in the shed with her this spring), her fleece always sells - to quote this year's buyer, "oh my GOSH is it gorgeous!!!" She will have a home here until she peacefully dies in her sleep.
The lamb count, by the way, is 114 lambs, 12 of which are Shetlands, the others are purebred Polypays, Coopworths and assorted crossbreeds. Here are some of the white ones:
And another Shetland - this is Saffron's lamb, the one I risked my knee cap for. As you can see, he is practicing his lip curl, hoping that he gets to be one of the flock sires of the future!
This lamb might become one of our flock sires. He is our spotted Coopworth - his fleece is a nice silvery color and his face is kind of "yuglety". I'm hoping he grows up nicely.
Some of the lambs resting in the sun. They are actually now out beyond the wooden gates in the pasture with their moms. The weather has been just perfect for them - sunny, but cool. They are so pretty, lying out there. When the weather gets hotter, they won't lie out in the pasture, but will come back up into the tree line, to lie in the shade. Where it is not only shady, but gets wet when it rains, muddy and mucky, if you know what I mean.
And now the parting shot:
The Nanking cherry in bloom. The flowers are gone now - I took this a few weeks ago. But spring has been quite wet and cold here this year, so any promise of warmer weather has been enjoyed. The lilacs are actually blooming now, some of the tulips are done - in fact they have all seen better days, as we have had some gusty winds. But the pastures look good and the hay fields are coming along. I just hope in wishing for some warmer weather, I am not soon regretting it and complaining about the heat, humidity and mosquitoes!