And speaking of lambs, here are some photos of the lambs from round one. In the center of this shot, you can see my yuglet Coopworth. His face is mostly white, with brown eyepatches and his body is a variegated brown and silver. I will probably keep him, depending on how he grows. If we do keep him, I can't wait to see his fleece next spring!
Coming back into the barn to get out of the sun:
And sometimes they scare the crap out of you, doing their impersonation of a dead lamb:
This lamb is fine and is alive and well and out in the pasture with the rest of the older lambs and their moms. And a parting shot:
Current lamb count - 53 lambs, purebred Coopworth and Coopworth crosses, 25 ewes and 28 rams. We are about a third of the way there. The first group is almost done, only a few who haven't lambed yet and they technically have until the first week of June to lamb, since the ram was left in with them for just over two months, so that he wouldn't have to go back to his ram pen and be all alone while our other guys were with their girls. Groups 2 and 3 might start as early as about Thursday of this week and the way some of them look, I think a bunch of them will go early. I only have seven jugs, though, so I hope and pray they space the lambs out a bit. And the Shetlands should start lambing soon, but they aren't as labor intensive as the BWS. But it can get exciting around here at this time of the year!
1 comment:
So. Jealous. Of the colored Coopworth ram lambs!!! Those are going to be some lovely fleeces!
Congrats on the new arrivals, Lael!
(And I know I owe you an email soon!)
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