Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Blizzard of 2009

And I certainly hope it is the only blizzard of 2009! In fact, if we're lucky, it will be the biggest snow event of the winter! The weather guys started predicting this one several days ago - yesterday around 2:30 pm they switched us from "winter storm warning" to "blizzard warning". That means blowing snow, winds sustained or gusting at or above 35 MPH. The local school was shut down for today by 7:45 last night. The governor declared a state of emergency for the entire state (I'm not really sure what that means, but the National Guard was put on alert). UW-Eau Claire was closed today - no classes! (I think the entire UW system may have been shut down). That NEVER happened while I was there!

Larry started plowing paths to all the sheep around 7:00 am - Nicholas and I slept in a bit, enjoying the snow day. Then we all hauled hay to those groups of sheep who do not have access to big bales, like Edsel and his four girls:

Some blizzard shots:

Nature's Christmas tree:

And I had more written, but Blogger deleted part of my post, so I leave you with a parting shot of Bubba, our colored Coopworth ram lamb and, hopefully, future flock sire:

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